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How Seaway works

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The Seaway program was built on the proven principles of MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction). Developed at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center to help patients cope with chronic illness, MBSR has been thoroughly researched through decades — and repeatedly proven to improve the lives of people with a wide range of physical and psychological challenges (including everyday stress and its unfortunate health effects). More about MBSR

Uniquely, Seaway Mindful Stress Reduction was refined further to reduce workplace stress within one of the world’s most competitive corporate environments. Evolved over 7 years to help this Fortune 500 company’s most stressed professionals, the Seaway program became adapted to the busiest schedules — as it grew to include an easy-to-use toolkit of simple stress management techniques, available in various program options, including group and individual virtual courses. More about Seaway

Participants call the Seaway program “realistic,” “different” and even “epiphanal.” Read more of what they say here. Or get directly in touch.

Seaway Mindful Stress Management6947 Coal Creek Pkwy SE #116 Newcastle, WA 98059-3159Seaway © 2025 | Site Credits